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Two Lonely Stray Dogs Overjoyed As They Got Rescued From A Junkyard

tatataa.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Two Lonely Stray Dogs Overjoyed As They Got Rescued From A Junkyard

‘Hope for Paws’ is an animal rescue organization that helps in rescuing animals from tough, precarious and life-threatening conditions.


Recently, personnel from the organization conducted an operation in which they helped in rescuing two dogs from a junkyard that were probably brother-sister duo.

In these types of operation, there is always an element of fear in the minds of both the rescuer and the animal due to the fact that every time it can be a unique location and on top of that the animal may panic. Therefore, handling the situation will calm, the collected mind is very important so that the animals stay relaxed and the same happened in this case too.


Catching hold of them was an issue – As soon as the rescuers reached the junkyard, they could locate the duo over there. But then, the female was slightly more anxious than the male and he made sure that the rescuers do not catch her easily. She slid herself deep inside the bottom of a shelf-type structure so that it was very tough for the rescuers to get across to her.


They decided to put a leash around her so that she could be easily taken out by one of the personnel, Lisa Arturo. After sliding in the leash on her neck, she could be taken out of the place and very slowly, she started behaving normally. On the other hand, the male dog was better off and could be taken into the custody rather easily.


They have got to be taken up for adoption – Since the time both of them have been rescued, they are with the organization and have even been named by them as Elmer and Elsie.


Now, anyone can come forward and offer to adopt them so that they also can find a new home to settle in. As of the organization, donations can be made to it for as little as $5 so that strays and other animals can be rescued by them in future.



Rescuing both of them was not very easy but they have since responded very well.

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