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Two Young Boys Doing Kiki Challenge Along Oklahoma Highway Get Pulled Over By Cops

Two young boys attempting to do the Kiki Challenge got an unexpected ending when a cop who saw them pulled them over.


In incident happened along a busy highway in Tulsa, Oklahoma and dashcam footage from a passing semi captured the scene.

The footage starts with two boys doing the Kiki Challenge at the side of the road but once the cop car turned its sirens on, the kids immediately jumped back into their vehicle but to no avail. They were stilled pulled over.


In the meantime, the driver of the truck can be heard having a good, hearty laugh at the predicament the kids had dug for themselves.


The Kiki Challenge started when Instagram comic Shiggy performed his own interpretation of Drake’s bounce track In My Feelings. It’s about his complicated feelings for a shopaholic girl called Kiki.

Shiggy’s version saw him dancing in the middle of the road while making steering motions as the lyrics “Are you riding?” played.


The whole dance routine captured the imagination of fans around the world and soon, people started filming themselves dancing along the road while mimicking Shiggy’s moves. The challenge typically involves participants jumping out of a slowly moving vehicle and doing the dance moves before quickly jumping back in.


Even the likes of Will Smith, Kevin Hart, and the entire cast of Queer Eye have participated in the challenge.


However, since the stunt involves disembarking from a moving vehicle, albeit a slow-moving one, on a busy road, there are valid concerns about the safety of those doing the challenge.


There have already been reports of people getting into accidents as a result of performing the challenge. These include crashing into telephone poles, tumbling into potholes, or falling out of cars.

One shocking video even showed a woman being mugged while another video supposedly showed a participant being hit by a car.

Getty Images

According to Chief of the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) Safety Advocacy Division, Nicholas Worrell:


“Preventing death or injury from #doingtheShiggy is comparatively simple: Don’t jump out of a moving car for a meme. That’s it.

“It’s foolish, it puts other road users at risk, and, it’s an excellent way to suffer road rash, legal penalties, or worse. By posting such a video, you’re providing evidence not just of your dance moves, but of any laws you may be breaking.


“In a recent roundtable on distracted driving, we heard survivor advocates’ ideas about getting tougher on drivers using their phones (like the driver-cameraperson in this challenge).

“Part of getting tougher includes increased enforcement of distracted driving laws. If your local law enforcement agency is among the many cracking down on distracted drivers, the last thing you want to do is post evidence of you and your friends breaking the law.”

WPGC – Radio.com

A lot of those who watched the previously mentioned dashcam footage agree.

One person commented: “Kiki, do you love cops?”


While another groused: “Kids are so stupid these days.”

Watch the video of the car getting pulled over. 

Hopefully, the kids learned their lesson and they should be thankful that they walked away with a citation and nothing worse. A momentary flash of fame is definitely not worth risking one’s life over.




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