Plastic is one of the biggest threats to the environment.
The makeup of the plastic does not allow its breakdown; even it is exposed to the natural elements.
So, plastic straws, bags, cotton buds with plastic stems, and other such items will remain in the soil and water for thousands of years. Even the UN has realized and acted against the plastic menace. But it seems impossible to put a stopper to this.
Plastic straws and plastic stemmed cotton buds are one-time-use items. Many people flush these products in the toilet.
These products enter the sewage system and ultimately find their way in the sea or ocean water. The disposal method not only contaminates the water but reduces the beauty of the beaches.
The UK government finally woke up from its long slumber and decided to take a stringent action to curb the plastic issue once and for all.
This announcement has been made by Michael Gove, who is the Environment secretary of UK. He mentioned that plastic stirrers, straws, and cotton buds would be no longer manufactured and sold in England.
An environmental study suggested that several billions of these items are disposed of without any chemical treatment. They stay afloat in the ocean water and are washed up on the beaches as well.
Thus, the ecological balance of the oceans and the sanitation of the beaches are at risk. The ban on the use of these plastic items will go a long way to ensure environmental protection. Apart from this, it will safeguard the beauty and hygiene of the beach areas.
The Environment Secretary also mentioned that it is the duty of the present generation to ensure the protection of the atmosphere.
Indiscriminate use of plastic will only pave the path for environmental degradation. The future generations will be barred from enjoying the gifts of nature.
A ban on plastic use will offer a boost to those organizations, which are working towards protecting the environment. ‘Surfers Against Sewage’ is such a body that has been educating the people about the demerits of plastic infestation in the ocean waters.
Apart from altering the ecosystem of the water bodies, it makes things difficult for the surfers.
The eco-friendly organizations have applauded the decision of the UK government. Now they are looking forward to its proper and watertight implementation. If the implementation of the act has loopholes, then it will not be able to acquire its noble goal.
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