Categories: Animals/Petslife

Undercover Footage Shows Extreme Cruelty Inside a German Lab as Monkeys Keep Screaming For Freedom

d1 2.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Undercover Footage Shows Extreme Cruelty Inside a German Lab as Monkeys Keep Screaming For Freedom

Every day hundreds and hundreds of volunteers and activists are working to spread awareness about animal rights and against animal cruelty, the one thing humans had gone blind to thousands and thousands of years ago.



Now the world is coming back sane. Undercover footage was filmed inside a German lab where you can see in the video how cruelty prevails in those labs that are never considerate of life within animals.


The disturbing video was released by German organizations called Soko Tierschutz and Cruelty-Free International.


The organization says that uncovered monkeys who have a harness in their necks are kept in tiny cells inside Mienenbüttel in Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony. 

As per the report, monkeys were not the only animals in the lab being tortured; there were cats and dogs too.


 To get the footage and the reality out of the lab, an activist took a job inside the lab as LPT Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology had put out an ad for the need of workers in the lab in autumn of 2018. 


Soko Tierschutz’s Friedrich Mülln said “This is not the first attempt we made to get in. We tried talking a job back in 2013 as well but somehow we could not succeed but this time we did and we brought out the harsh reality inside those walls.” 


Beagles, monkeys, cats, dogs, rabbits and a few other animals that are hold captivated inside tiny cages are the worst conditions an animal can be in. They have a harness around their neck that only gives them pain. 


The dogs and the cats long for the touch of a human but they get none instead they are left to die, bleeding after the tests are conducted on them.


The cats are injected almost 13 to 15 times a day by untrained professionals only making the poor animals suffer from immense pain. 

Watch the video if you wish to watch it all yourself and take a look. 

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