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boredpanda.point 11 | com/young-us-presidents/?page_numb=3&&utm_source=liftable&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=providr" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer">Southwest Texas State Teachers Collegepoint 216 | 1


Name: William Howard Taft (unknown)
Also Known As: “Big Chief”, “Big Lub”
Tenure: 1909 – 1913
Most Famous For: Getting stuck in the White House Bathtub (which never actually happened), falling asleep in public functions (which happened constantly).
Quotable: “I don’t remember that I was ever president” (when he later became Chief Justice)


Wikimedia Commons

Name: Abraham Lincoln (late 30’s)
Also Known as: “The Great Emancipator,” “Uncle Abe.point 201 |


Tenure: 1809-1865
Most Famous For: The great emancipator (Abraham Lincoln) at his 3o’s is highly remembered for role in preserving the union during the civil war.point 144 |
Quotable: “he can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I never met.point 220 |


point 7 |

Library of Congresspoint 285 | 1


Name: Ronald Reagan (29)
Nicknames: The Gipper, “The Teflon President”
Tenure: 1981 – 1989 (Physically.point 101 | Mentally? Well, we’re not too sure when the dementia started)
Most Famous For: The Gipper (Ronald Reagon 29).point 195 | Famously recalled for selling arms to Iran to fund coup on another country’s government
Quotable: “Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders.point 340 |


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Bettmannpoint 293 | 1


Name: William Henry Harrison Sr.
Also Known As: “Old Tippecanoe”
Tenure: In 1841 came the first president to die of pneumonia after 31 days. William Henry Harrison Sr)
Most Famous For: Dying.
Quotable: Has been quoted to date by the say he used to his vice president. These remarks acted as his last statement.

Wikimedia Commons


Name: John F.point 13 | Kennedy (20 and 21)
Also Known As: JFK, “The Hot One” (in the pre-Obama years)
Tenure: 1961 – 1963
Best Known For: A common quote by John F.point 136 | Kennedy (1961-1963) cannot be left out while mentioning America’s presidents.point 206 |


He also held some campaigns against Fidel Castro.point 42 |
Quotable: “Let us not sort for the Republican response or the Democratic one, but the most appropriate answer.point 139 | Let us not seek to base the blame on the past.point 175 | Let us accept our responsibility for the future.point 216 |


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Name: Andrew Jackson (unknown)
Also Known As: “Old Hickory,” “King Mob”
Tenure: 1829 – 1837
Best Known For: The trail of Tears, the most tragic chapter in America’s history developed at 1829-1837 tenured during Andrew Jackson regime.point 325 |


He led forceful relocation of Native Americans to a new military to cab illness and starvation.point 80 |
point 80 |

Robert Marshallpoint 375 | 1


Name: James Buchanan (unknown)
Nicknames: “Ten Cent Jimmy,” “Bachelor President”, “America’s Worst President” (by every official poll and survey since 1948)
Tenure: 1857 – 1861
Most Famous For: Lastly, James Buchanan (the 10 cents Jimmy), the worst Americas president in all poll surveys since 1948.point 277 |


He did nothing at questions raised by people whether it’s morally okay to own other human beings, not getting married.point 101 |
Quotable: “happily, a matter of but little practical importance” to answer questions of 5-year slavery during the civil war.point 213 |


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Presidential History Geekpoint 283 | 1


Name: Rutherford B.point 19 | Hayes (30)
Also Known As: “His Fraudulency,” “Rutherfraud” (over suspicions that his election had been rigged), “Who’s that?” (me, just now)
Tenure: 1877 – 1881
Most Famous For: Not much! (Hayes is often cited as one of the most “average” presidents)
Quotable: “The President of the United States should strive to be always mindful of the fact that he serves his party best who serves his country best.point 384 |


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unknownpoint 292 | 1


Name: Jimmy Carter (18)
Also Known As: “The Peanut Farmer”
Tenure: 1977 – 1981
Most Famous For: That time he legitimately got attacked by a swimming swamp rabbit while he was out in a boat (no, look it up, it’s actually real)
Quotable: “My esteem in the country has gone up substantially. It is very nice now that when people wave at me, they use all their fingers.”


Jimmy Carter Library

Name: James A. Garfield (16)
Also Known As: “Boatman Jim” (from when he worked on the Ohio canals as a teen)
Tenure: 1881 – 1881
Most Famous For: being assassinated, not being an orange, lasagna-loving cat.
Quotes: “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.”



Name: Barack Obama

Also Known As: “Thanks, Obama,” Barry, Barack Hussein Obama (by your racist uncle)
Tenure: 2009-2017
Most Famous For: Signing the Affordable Care Act, signing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals act, being a Muslim (again, by your racist uncle)
Quotable: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.point 314 |


We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.point 34 | We are the change that we seek.point 59 |
point 62 |

Lisa Jackpoint 352 | 1


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