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COVID-19 Positive Usain Bolt’s Birthday Party Spared Raheem Sterling, Manchester City Winger

ec8db8eb84ac 2 21.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - COVID-19 Positive Usain Bolt's Birthday Party Spared Raheem Sterling, Manchester City Winger

Celebrities, of all people, should set a prime example to their followers on their social media and their portrayal in the mass media, especially in the time frame that we live in, plagued by a persistent and ever-changing pandemic.


Henceforth, the mounting negative social responses came for Usain Bolt, the fastest human being on Earth, who hosted his birthday party in Jamaica, and contracted the Coronavirus as a result.

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His social media posts were full of people singing, dancing and whatnot in their inglorious festivities, while guests were pictured wearing no masks at all, in an unhealthy proximity that was the exact opposite of the definition of social distancing.point 484 |


Bolt tested positive on Monday, and the list of guests who recklessly indulged themselves are now faced with the burden of a potential contagion and an assured social pillaging.point 149 | 1

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Prime Minister Andrew Holness of Jamaica said that the gathering is being investigated by the relevant police authorities, and will report back soon.point 390 |


Jamaica, for the record, is still under a strict quarantine, with no dancing and gathering over 20 people banned in public places.point 109 | It is yet to be known if Bolt was in violation of the rules pertained.point 165 |  Bolt was seen fooling around with guests including Raheem Sterling, pivotal winger for Manchester City.point 256 | 1

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Bolt had previously mentioned before confirmation of his test results were made that he was asymptomatic.point 200 | ‘Good morning everybody, just waking up.point 241 |


Like everybody, I’ve checked social media, social media’s saying I’m confirmed [as having coronavirus].point 108 | I did a test on Saturday because I have work [abroad].point 152 | I’m trying to be responsible so I’m going to stay in for me and my friends.point 224 |


Also, I have no symptoms.point 21 | 1

In the meanwhile, Raheem Sterling has tested negative for coronavirus after attending Usain Bolt’s birthday party, earning him a lucky escape and an assured reentry back into the British Isles.point 191 | Manchester City and England national football league will breathe a bit for now, as technically the winger should have no issues joining Gareth Southgate’s side for international duty after being named in the squad for the upcoming Nations League matches.point 413 |


Sterling ‘feels fine’ and is ‘showing no symptoms’, according to Sky Sports, with retakes on COVID-19 set for a later date.point 127 | 1


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