Categories: Healthlife

A 26 Year Old Went into A Coma After Vaping A Cheap Pod

Vaping has become pretty common amongst the youngsters these days.


While a lot of youngsters have become addicted to this habit quite a bit.

The recent happenings and occurrences in Wisconsin has brought to light that more than 12 youngsters have been diagnosed with severe lung infection.


13 more cases are being treated to find out the issue.  A hospital in Wisconsin has reported 12 severe lung damage cases in the recent past due to Vaping.


This has been seen in adults who have started using the cheap pods from the streets of Wisconsin, in US. While most of the youngsters call this as trend, a lot of people are just getting addicted.


Statistics say that these adults were consuming THC, a psychoactive element from cannabis which would severely impact the lungs over a period of time.


While there are researches being done on Cannabis to be used in the field of medicine, reports like these would end up sending chills down the spine, isn’t it?

Looking at adults suffering from lung cancers, lung infections, heart disorders, and many other problems can be heart-wrenching.


A 26 year old man was hospitalized for the same reason and the doctors did identify that the man was addicted to THC, which is a psychoactive element part of cannabis.


This can be very dangerous and that’s what made this man go into coma. His brother did mention that his brother was consuming cheap cartridges and that led to this mishap.


Patrick DeGrave, the brother of the victim did also mention about the damages that the cartridges caused on the other organs too. Apart from him, an 18 year old boy was admitted as well for the same reason.


This guy, identified as a chance Ammirata was consuming one pod every other day. This one pod was equivalent to 10 cigarettes and that led to severe damages of lungs.

A lot of people are now asking the youngsters to get rid of the vape pods because it is certainly not fine to see seven surgeons barging in to the ward to speak about your life, isn’t it?


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