Categories: life

Vegan ‘Hunter’ Uses Bananas To Hunt For Veggies And Inspire Meat-Eaters To Follow His Example

A vegan ‘hunter’ known as The Vegan Cowboy has gone viral after sharing his lifestyle and his way of ‘hunting’ for veggies using bananas on the internet.


As 32-year-old Dusty explained, he wishes to inspire meat-eaters to follow his example through humor rather than radical methods vegan activists often resort to in an attempt to get the attention.

the_vegan_cowboy – Instagram

And so, The Vegan Cowboy has embarked on a mission to raise awareness about the vegan lifestyle and prove to everyone that going meat-free doesn’t have to mean giving up on looking manly and hardcore.

the_vegan_cowboy – Instagram

“Switching to a plant-based diet was one thing that helped me out significantly. I’m happy to say it has helped me on all fronts and that I won’t be going back anytime soon. Also, I know that if I can do it, anyone can!” Dusty said.

the_vegan_cowboy – Instagram

“I’ve been plant-based and blessed for two years now. No greenhorn, but still a young fledgling and going strong.”


As the man added, he is from the family of butchers whereas he was raised surrounded by farmers and meat-eaters.

the_vegan_cowboy – Instagram

It wasn’t until a few years ago that he decided to turn his life around and try to combat his depression with the help of a new, plant-based diet.


Speaking of his new-found goals, the 32-year-old added:

“My goal with the vegan hunting pictures is to avoid making you feel bad about yourself for not being vegan, but to find some common ground and poke fun at wherever masculinity and empathy may collide.

the_vegan_cowboy – Instagram

“Then, when the time does come and you might want to try a plant burger or ditch some dairy, it won’t seem like such a grave decision, because in reality it’s easy and not such a big deal.”


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