Categories: Healthlife

Vegans Suggested To Boycott Vaccines Because They Contain Animal Products

Vegans have come up with a new idea and called for a total stop on using vaccines, including those for children, because they contain animal products and by-products.


As the activists claimed, the influenza virus which is used in the flu shot is often grown in yolks of fertilized hen eggs.


“The vaccine only works on a few select strains, these are not necessarily the ones that could infect you. Have a think about whether you really need a flu vaccine in the first place,” one person wrote.

In another post, the vegans argued that certain vaccines contain the blood of unborn calves which allegedly have blood extracted from with a needle through the heart.

AP Photo – Rich Pedroncelli

“When pregnant cows are slaughtered, they put a needle in the heart of the un-born calf to drain his blood for vaccines,” they wrote.


While vegans seemed to be on board with the idea of boycotting vaccines, others quickly pointed out that they are mandatory in order to save the lives of millions of people.


“Anti-vaxxers need to speak to people who lost loved ones to polio before the vaccine, or people who were left with permanent disabilities,” someone suggested.


“How come every anti-vaxxer claims to have tons of peer-reviewed studies but never actually links any?” another one asked.

While it is true that vaccines often contain animal-derived substances, many leading animal rights activists defend their use because there is currently no animal cruelty-free alternative.

Science Photo Libra – Getty Images

According to The Vegan Society, the fact that there is no alternative would mean that vaccines are currently acceptable in the vegan world.


“Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose,” their site reads.

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