Categories: +AnimaisAnimals/Petslife

This Army Veteran Saved a Puppy’s Life Who was Left in The Car on This Blazing Hot Day

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Video Credit: Facebook/Jason Minson

Jason Minson, a U.S Army veteran, saw a black Labrador puppy who was left behind in the car on this hot blazing day. According to Minson, although the window was rolled down a bit for an air cross, still the weather was really hot and was reaching 80s. He could clearly saw the puppy getting uncomfortable.


Minson decided to wait and watch over the puppy. He wanted to wait till someone returns for the car and the puppy. After a while, when he couldn’t anybody coming back for the puppy he decided to call 911 for the rescue.

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Jason Minson Facebook

Minson was able to give the puppy some water from the window opening as the poor little thing was panting.point 386 |


Minson had this bad feeling that the puppy may die due to a heat stroke as the temperature was raising and the car was getting heated up.point 111 |
So he decided to smash one of the car’s window to rescue the puppy out.point 170 | Minson told that he was assuming the poor little pup won’t survive till the rescue teams will reach at the spot so he took this decision of breaking into the car.point 304 | 1

Jason Minson Facebook

Soon the rescue teams reached and the dog was given in the custody of Norfolk Animal Care Center.

Minson posted the whole incident on his Facebook claiming that he also is an owner of a dog called Rex and he never could imagine of leaving him like this in the car. Owning a dog adds up the whole bunch of responsibilities on its owner, just like bearing a child does.

Jason Minson Facebook

WTKR reported that the Labrador owner was charged with an allegation of “Animal in Motor vehicle” and has a hearing in the court on May 17. The court will decide and make a judgment about the cruelty she did to her dog and whether she is going get him back or not.


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