Categories: Animals/Petslife

Traveler Poses with Adorable Rhinos that Just Want To Cuddle

Animals are amazing creatures on this planet as without saying they show their actions of affections to the humans around them.


Cuddling with a puppy or cat is normal but have you ever thought about cuddling the big rhinos?

Watch the video of the rhinos wanting to cuddle here:

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The adorable video of a baby rhino wanting to cuddle with the manager, Jamie Traynor from Rhino Orphanage Park is just amazing. It is so mesmerizing to see the cute baby rhino wanting some love from the manager.


It is just unfortunate to see the poaching of rhino happening in South Africa and then seeing the baby rhinos crying over the loss of their parents.


The young rhinos then have nowhere to go without their mothers around, and that’s why there is a facility center in South Africa for the baby rhinos.


Till the time they are small, they are fed and taken care for, and then after growing up, they are released in the wild happily.


Africa has only 25,000 white rhinos and 6,000 black rhinos left because of the poaching. As South Africa holds the highest population of the white rhinos, it has now come to a very less count.


The Rhino Orphanage is a non-profit organization which is for the baby rhinos who become orphans after the poaching of their parents. The organization makes sure that the rhinos are taken care of and are eating properly.


The orphanage is in Limpopo Province, South Africa, but the exact location is not given to the public for safety reasons of these baby rhinos.


The manager said that when these three baby rhinos arrived in the center after their parents were hunted and killed by the poachers, they formed an amicable bond with each other.


In a way, the managers become surrogate mothers to the baby rhinos because they take of them entirely in the center. One rhino was recently seen cuddling with the manager for some affection, and it is very adorable.

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