Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

9 Out Of 10 Viewers Couldn’t Answer This Question! But Can You?

This riddle has a unique twist and that’s probably one of the real reasons why the majority simply can’t seem to figure out the correct answer.


Puzzling challenges and math riddles- you’ve done quite a few during your school time, especially in math class. While some require a little logic, others need you to simply take a closer look and read the instructions carefully. After all, we usually end up making the same mistake as others because we don’t take the time out to understand what’s really written.

Source: Pinterest

This next challenge is going viral because 9 out of 10 viewers couldn’t find the correct answer. While the theme is extremely witty and something new, the solution revolves around the same concept of old, tricky fun.


So, are you ready to put your brains to the test and figure out what the correct answer really is? In case that’s a big yes, scroll down and don’t forget to share with others because there’s nothing better than sharing the fun.

Source: Medium

The Tricky Brain-Teaser

The makers of this challenge are simply asking you to pay some close attention to the following math riddle’s wordings and then go about answering it to absolute perfection. Sounds simply right, but wait, there’s a twist and only those with sharp minds and sharp eyes would be able to pick up on it!


So, let the mind challenge begin! Good luck!

Source: YouTube

The Correct Answer

By now, we hope you’ve managed to settle down with the correct answer! And in case you didn’t, well, let’s give you a final chance. Please re-read and then make your selection before taking a peek. Come on, we know you’ve got it in you to solve this.


Alright, the correct answer to this puzzle is there are a total of 63 people. Read below for a detailed explanation.

Source: The Guardian

Well, the puzzle says that 7 men have 7 wives so that means all the men have one wife each. So, that makes it 7+7 which is 14. Now, each wife has 7 kids, so 7×7 is 49. Now, simply add the total together and you’ll get 14+49=63. Wow, wasn’t too bad after all.


How did you do?