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Viral Math Riddle For You!

Here is another quiz for you! Can you get it? This time, it will require to use your brain a bit more because it involves math.


In this one, how can 11 + 11 = 4 and how can 22 + 22 = 16? When thinking about it in logical terms, it does not make sense. This causes you to think outside of the box. If you are still stuck though, we will provide hints as always.


If they equal those numbers, then what does 33 + 33 equal? In this occasion, we will give a hint. The riddle does not actually have to deal with addition. Instead, it deals with another way to do math. Can you guess? If not, we will give you a hint right about now. Look down at the picture to see how to get the answer for the first equation.

point 0 |

So, it does not explicitly state that 11 is actually two separate entities.point 169 | It is actually 1+1 multiplied by another 1+1, which equal 4.point 219 |


The addition sign is to add the numbers that are using the FOIL method to solve.point 65 | In that case, how does (2+2) x (2+2) = 16? When using the method to solve the riddle, it adds up because 4 times 4 is 16.point 160 | In that case, you will be able to understand the third equation.point 213 | 1


Are you still stuck, or do you have it now? Tag your friends to see if they are able to get it without the hints. Comment down below your guesses before we give out the answer. Are you ready? Here it goes!


Now that it is laid out in front of your eyes, does it make sense? 33 + 33 equals 36, because (3 + 3) x (3 + 3) = 36. 6 x 6 is 36, and that is the solution to this riddle. See if other people can figure out the equation before getting to the hints, because it is pretty difficult! Thanks for participating in one of our many riddles! See you for another one.