Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Can You Figure Out What’s The Correct Answer To This Viral Puzzle?

Our brain deserves extra care and for that reason, we are back with another cool puzzle that will test your logical skills.


For thousands of years, people have been looking for new ways to stay entertained and have a good time. Thanks to the internet and a sea of viral challenges, having fun is now easier than ever!


In today’s challenge, your task is to crack the puzzle above and share your final answer with your friends and family so that they too can try their best to figure it out.


As the riddle suggests, Mr. Smith has four daughters, and each of his daughters has a brother. Your job is to find out how many kids Mr. Smith has.

Sounds simple? Think about it carefully! Many people come up with the wrong answer simply because they underestimate the tricky question and rush the answer.

Source – Pixabay

What’s your final count? Now’s your last chance to think outside the box and crack the puzzle on your own because the answer is coming right up.


The correct response is FIVE. Mr. Smith has five children. Since each of the four daughters has one brother, this means that they all share the same brother and he is the only boy in the family.


We hope this challenge wasn’t too easy. But if it was, feel free to put your logical thinking to the ultimate test with the riddle below.


As the brain teaser in question suggests, Mary’s father has five daughters. Their names are Nana, Nene, Nini, and Nono. Your job is to find out what the name of the fifth daughter is!

Source – Pexels

Any ideas yet? We can tell you that the answer lies in the question. Literary. Read it again, slowly, and everything will make sense!


Did you notice the words ‘Mary’s father’ in the question? The fifth daughter’s name is Mary and not Nunu as most people believe.

Source – Pixabay

What are your thoughts on these brain teasers? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!