Categories: life

Hundreds of Volcanoes In Australia Are Classified As Active According to Experts

The Volcanologists experts say that there are hundreds of volcanoes all around Australia which can erupt at any time.


The experts have no idea about the time limit or which volcano has the possibility of erupting first.


Australia is the home to many volcanoes and nobody knows when can any volcano erupt but it sure can destroy a lot of things.


The Newer Volcanics Province has more than 400 volcanoes which are all around Australia stretching till Melbourne. 


Many volcanoes are active in the country and last erupted 5,000 years ago and it can still be a threat to the city.


The volcanologists predict that the next eruption can come in another 5,000 years and that Australia is all prepared for the potential disaster that these volcanoes can create.


Recently, there had been an incident in New Zealand which has left around 16 people dead. Nine people out of the sixteen were Australians.


The experts are saying that Australia should be prepared and doing a lot more work to prevent a lot of damages that can be caused because of these volcanoes. 


The experts say that they have no idea about the eruption of any of these volcanoes as it can be within a few weeks, months or even years.


The Volcanic risk expert says that there is a possibility of eruption but at very low risk. The emergency management plan should be prepared for the better and worse as there is a possibility of an eruption.

The people living in Australia have no idea of the risks and damages that these volcanoes can cause as there are hundreds of them in the area.  


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