Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Wake Up Your Mind In Less Than 10 Seconds | Can You Spot The Hidden Dog?

Riddles make the world go round and in case you still haven’t experienced happiness by solving one correctly, this just might be your lucky day.


If you can solve this particular riddle- then we just might crown you with the label of genius. But wait, we promise that there are some elements of surprise that just might make your brain question- why, over and over again!

Source: Unsplash

Smart people never reveal what they do in their free time. While some are busy making money, others tend to indulge themselves in learning new skills. At the end of the day, it’s all about bettering your performance from yesterday. So, are you ready and able to get things going in the right direction?


One viral thread on social media questioned viewers about their favorite type of puzzles. While the majority mentioned pictures, others had numbers and math on their mind.

Source: D2 Studios

Very rarely, if ever, do we come across those puzzles that explain the true meaning of the term logic. Just the thought of it has some shivering in their pants. But the truth is, we all have it but fail to use it.


For today’s viral challenge, we thought it would be interesting to bring forward a logic-themed puzzle for all of our viewers. Do you think you can do it? We sure do hope so!

Source: Data Color

Today’s mind-boggling challenge

Surprising our readers with diversity has now become a part of our daily affairs. So far, they’re loving it and we’d like to continue with that winning streak. Take an up-close and personal look at the picture below and let us know what you think. We know you can do it!

Source: Wakeupyourmind

The correct answer

We know you’re just as excited as us about finding the right answer! So, let’s take a scroll down below and see how far you really did go! Good luck!

Source: Flickr

ANSWER: The dog is circled in red below!

Source: Wakeupyourmind

The power of camouflage can really be deceiving! How long did it take you to find him?