Categories: Healthlife

You Should Be Washing Your Feet Before Going To Sleep

According to Erin Casperson, Dean of the Kripalu School of Ayurveda, you should wash your feet before going to bed because our feet are associated with the elements of fire and washing them is one of the staples of keeping your body temperature down.


We feel instant relief taking off our shoes after a long hot day. This happens because you are releasing excess fire from the body, says Casperson.


”The theory behind washing your feet is that you are then cooling the fire element in the body,” says Casperson. “If you’re basking in sun by a body of water, place a chair close to the water’s edge and soak your feet. You’ll be amazed at how cool it keeps your body.”


”It will cool your whole body and pay attention to the soles of your feet, also, your feet are a cooling hotspot because they’re home to key circulation points in your body, adds Emily Splichal, DPM, a New York-based podiatrist. Placing your feet in cool water or a cool washcloth on the inside of the ankle can cool the entire body because of the easy access to circulation in these regions,” she says.


”They’re referred to as pulse points, as they provide quick system effects that include cooling the body down or warming the body up.”


To maximize the stress, wash your feet before going to sleep and soak them for several minutes in a basin of water with a few drops of essential oil with cooling properties added to it.


Here are some cooling essential oils: 

  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint
  • Vetiver
  • Sandalwood
  • Lavender

If you have a lot of anxious thoughts that are bothering you to sleep at night then washing your feet will help you to get better sleep without much trouble. You will not only get stress free sleep but it will also help you to go to bed with your feet clean with no smell.




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