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Video Credit: Facebook/Idaho Power
Dioni Amuchastegui, on July 13th, shared an alarming post from his company’s Facebook page.point 111 | Dioni who is a battery technician at Idaho Power Company reported that this incident happened when he was at his lunch break.point 215 |
Suddenly he spotted some smoke coming from underneath the center console of his truck.point 73 | When he hurriedly reached the front, what he saw was a plastic water bottle refracted the light which resulted in the ignition of flames on his truck’s front seat.point 210 |
Two burn marks we witnessed on Dioni’s vehicle seat.point 46 | 1
According to David Richardson from Midway City Fire Department in Oklahoma, firefighters are warning the drivers to remain safe from such hazards and never leave their water bottles in their cars on hot sunny days.point 332 |
As the water acts as a magnifier when the sunlight comes through it.point 56 | The temperature can be reached to approximately 250 degrees when sunlight passes by a water bottle which can cause ignition.point 161 | 1
Although such incidences are rare to occur yet the officials, to ensure fire safety, are alerting people to stay safe from such serious fire hazards by avoiding any water bottles inside your cars. Leaving a water bottle in your car seems to be a very petty activity but is actually life-threatening. So it is better to be safe before being sorry.
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