Categories: Healthlife

3 Ways To Fall Asleep Within Seconds

Insomnia is the inability to get to sleep or sleep well at night and it can be caused by stress, anxiety, depression or any other problem which we are engulfed in.


Having a good sleep at night is as important as providing food to your body to stay alive.

If you will not get enough sleep then your body will not function well and you would not be able to participate in daily activities. Here are some sleep hacks which can help you to get better sleep within seconds.


1. Relax your muscles

There are so many things which keep us awake at night and one of them is physical tension. To solve this problem, you need to perform a progressive muscle relaxation technique.


First, you need to relax your muscles slowly.

Start this process from your toes and continue doing until you reach your head.

Perform this in the interval of five seconds.

Visualize yourself in a peaceful environment and finish the process.


2. Night Smoothies

If you have a habit of eating snacks before going to bed then you must be wise in choosing what to eat. What you eat at night affects your sleep as it plays a vital role in good sleep.


You should have smoothies with these: Low-calorie almond milk, Greek yogurt, nonfat version, frozen cherries or cinnamon.


3. Stop worrying


We all are worried about something and waste a lot of our time in depression or taking the stress. But you should not keep these worries in your head, if you will write down these problems in a diary or notebook then you can be able to reach the solution. 


Don’t bottle up your emotions, just talk about them to the ones whom you trust or write them down to feel relaxed. This way you can get better sleep without any worries. 



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