Categories: Quiz

Which Dog Is Different From The Rest?

One dog doesn’t belong in the group, can you spot it?


Another day, another brainteaser for you!

If you are in the mood for a break and a brain exercise, well, you are in the right place!

Brainteasers, such as the one that we have prepared for you below, are meant to exercise not only your brains but your eyes too.


Solving visual puzzles like this helps us to develop our observational skills. It also trains our eyes to concentrate and focus our minds. In this manner, we will be able to notice even the tiniest of details in any situation.

Did you know that observational skills can be put to use in our daily lives? Yes! You read that right.


So it’s always a good idea to practice that skill.

Now that you know the benefits of a mental workout and how it improves us, let’s get back to the challenge!


If you think this brainteaser is too easy to be worthy of your time, we encourage you to try it first.

The visual puzzle, which was created and posted on the Mambee website, has seriously left puzzle players squinting their eyes in confusion!


The creators illustrated each dog ALMOST identical to each other, making it more challenging to spot the odd dog!

But the real question is, can you find the odd one?

If you’re up for the challenge, then let’s go!

Find the odd dog in the group:

Courtesy of Mambee











Can you guess which dog is different?

If you are struggling to spot it, here’s a tip for you: pay attention to the tiny details!

Courtesy of Mambee











Did you get it? If you do, it’s time to double-check your answer. Scroll down!












The Answer

The correct answer is C. While the dogs all look alike, C doesn’t have eyebrows, which differentiates it from the rest.

Courtesy of Mambee

If you enjoy the brainteaser featured in this article, please SHARE this with your family and friends to challenge them too!