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Which Of These Green Lines Is Longer? These Optical Illusions Will Test How Concentrated And Attentive You Can Be

The human brain is 30 times faster than the best supercomputers but it is still possible to trick it with optical illusions.


Our brains try to interpret what we see but optical illusions can deceive it into seeing things that may or may not be real.

These optical illusion riddles will test how concentrated and attentive you can be. Are you ready?

“Which of these green lines is longer?”

Bright Side

The image shows two green lines but the challenge is to figure out which one is longer than the other. The lines in the background can confuse the brain, but what’s your answer?


Is the left one longer than the right? Or is the right line longer than the left?

Here is the answer:

Bright Side

“Are the lines parallel?”

Bright Side

This optical illusion horizontal lines with short diagonal lines.

But are the lines parallel or not?

Here is the answer:

Bright Side

“Is the dot inside or outside the cube?”

Bright Side

The image shows a cube with a red dog in the middle. But it is difficult to determine whether the dot is inside or outside the box.


Can you figure it out without viewing the solution?

Here is the answer:

Bright Side

“Are the blue lines parallel?”

Bright Side

Look at the image carefully and try to focus your eyes at the blue lines.


Are they parallel or not?

Here is the answer:

Bright Side

“Is the image distorted?

Bright Side

The image shows black and white squares and some of the black squares have white dots on them. But is the image distorted or not?


Here is the answer:

Bright Side

“Which line is longer, A or B?”

Bright Side

Many people said that A is longer than B, but what do you think? Is B longer than A?


Here is the answer:

Bright Side

What do you think about these fun riddles? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this post with your friends and family!