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Angry Customer Threw Tantrums At Jack In The Box Employee

An angry customer at a Jack in the Box in Manvel, Texas, was caught on camera telling an employee he was going to buy her a ‘ticket back to Mexico’ because she denied a coupon for a free burger.


Lupita Rangel, the woman who filmed the incident, said that the argument started when the employee didn’t honor the man’s son a free burger he was trying to claim as part of a promotional deal.

Buy a bus ticket back to where ever you came from. I want you fired out of here,” the man said in the beginning of the clip.


Lupita Rangel

The customer was angry his son was told no, so he told another employee “We came to order here. She told my son ‘no.’


He also added, “She lied her ass off,” referring to the previous employee telling his son he couldn’t use the coupon.

Hey, you are going to get fired,” the man said. “What’s your name?” he asked as he leaned over the counter.


Maria,” the employee answered.

Goodbye Maria. Buy you a ticket back to Mexico,” he said as he walked out of the restaurant.

Lupita Rangel


Rangel, a Hispanic woman who recorded the incident, said that she was highly offended by what the angry customer said – as was her daughter.

It’s inappropriate, that language is not acceptable for children that are there, because there were more families than us that have children,” the 9-year-old girl told CNN. Her mother also had to explain to her ‘why these things are happening.’


Rangel shared the video on Facebook, hoping it will help everyone “accept people for who they are and understand that this country is made up of so many different cultures.”

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