Categories: DIYEntertainment

Can You Find Out Who’s The Mother of This Child? Take A Guess And Reveal Your Personality Traits

We all have a unique set of characteristics that define who we are.


While it can be nearly impossible to correctly judge someone whether you know them or not, there are personality tests that can help people learn more about their personalities.

Every decision and action that we take in life has its reason. Nothing is spontaneous because we always act and react based on our personality. Naturally, this often leads to conflicts and disagreements between people that are very different from one another.


Without further ado, let’s move on to our personality test. This specific exam will divide participants into two categories. Each category comes with its own distinctive characteristics. Let’s start!

Look at the image below. You will see a kid playing in the middle and two women at the side. One is on the left, and the other one is on the right. Your job is to figure out who is the child’s real mother.



1 – Woman On The Left

Number 1 is the answer that the majority of participants choose. However, it’s the wrong one. Based on research, most people select the woman on the left because she looks more mature and older. Therefore, they assume that she’s more likely to be the mother.



Despite betting on the wrong side, your choice reveals some excellent traits that you possess. By selecting woman #1, you are likely to be very open-minded and creative. You also like to have things done your way and enjoy alone time every now and then so that you can reflect on your life.



You’re probably also a huge fan of music, painting, or other hobbies where you can release your creativity and be free. With the ability to socialize anywhere and with anyone, you never feel bored and always have someone to talk to!


2 – Woman On The Right

Congrats! If you chose woman #2, you are correct. She is the real mother of the kid. According to research, children are most likely to face their parents when they are playing in their presence. The reason why is because they are seeking mother’s or father’s approval.



If you selected this answer, it means that your left brain hemisphere keeps on working and allows you to pay considerable attention to details. You are likely a highly reasonable person that follows logic and isn’t easily deceived by emotions. By following your brain rather than your heart, you can efficiently use facts and avoid intuitions when making decisions.



Despite rarely opening up to people, you can make a great friend or a loyal partner if you let others close enough. You are also more likely to keep your personal matters to yourself rather than share them with your friends and family.


Which answer did you pick? Are you surprised by the results or do you recognize yourself in the explanation of your answer? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share the post if you liked the test!