Categories: Entertainmentlife

Super Long Toenail Is The New Trend

Fashion trends are always changing.


Some last forever while some disappear very soon, and this occurs with clothing, furniture, and even nails.

It all depends on people’s choice, what they like or not. And some nail trends are mesmerizing while some are weird, like, hair nails that use real hair, the tooth nail which looks like teeth are coming off your nails.


There are pimple-popping nails also that actual puss when you pop them. We’ve seen so many horrifying and disgusting looking things come out of the nails.


We are not judging anyone, because everyone has their own choice. Some people find these things interesting or they find it’s better than being boring.


The latest trend in nail art made some people crazy and they are scratching their heads. People love long nails, and they even use acrylic and other materials to extend their nails. 


We have seen the square and round nails, people are now going to for the stiletto nail look while files the nail to be sharp and pointy.


But now people are extending that look to their toenails. Before that trend started with people opting to grow their toenails for a longer look.


People grow their nails longer and longer. Then nail technicians add acrylic extensions to toenails to stick out far past the length of your toe.


And from there, people went with full blow stiletto toenail extensions. They look like bear claws.

The post of the bear claw toenails ended up receiving more than 35,000 likes on Instagram but I haven’t seen a single positive comment.


“Repulsive,” said one Instagrammer.

“The girl is looking like Kali from ‘Teen Wolf,’” said another.


“As someone who wears shoes,” and another.