Categories: Familylife

Wife Found Out Husband Was Having An Affair, She Then Took A Brilliant Revenge On Him

What you sow is what you reap.


This quote is proved right by a story that involves a man cheating his wife. The man receives a letter from his clever wife out of the blue. This story has all the elements that would make it a Hollywood Blockbuster – drama, twist, vengeance, and an ending that will make you laugh out loud.


Read this story on a dull day to brighten up your mood. In a letter the wife wrote to her husband, she describes a small accident that happened. This brilliant letter will make you laugh for sure.

In the letter, she wrote to her husband who was on an overseas trip that she had a small accident with a pickup truck while she was turning into the driveway. Luckily she did not get hurt in the accident so he shouldn’t worry about her.


She describes how the accident happened. While she was turning into the driveway, she accidentally pressed on the accelerator paddle instead of the ‘brake.’ The garage door was slightly bent but luckily the pickup truck halted when it bumped into his car.


She further goes on to praise her husband who she knows is a ‘kind-hearted’ person and she knew that her husband would forgive her. She expresses her love for her ‘sweetheart’ husband. Along with the letter she enclosed a picture of the car.


Just after signing off the letter, she makes a quirky remark that points out to how this accident might have happened.

P.S. Your girlfriend called for you



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