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Couple Order Food From McDonald’s – Then Wife Opens Bag and Screams: “This isn’t food!”

mcdonald 1.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Couple Order Food From McDonald’s – Then Wife Opens Bag and Screams: “This isn’t food!”

Fast foods fill the appetite of most people in America.


It isn’t the healthiest option that you have but fast food has chains have been serving the lazy ones for decades now.

A couple decided to have a meal at the world’s largest food chain. This food chain has its branch in almost every major city in the world. But when the couple got their food, they were in for a surprise. They immediately gave the food back.


Greg and Stacey decided to have breakfast at McDonald’s in Tennessee, USA. They decided to grab a quick meal together before they headed off to work. But their breakfast turned into a meeting that they would never forget.

Greg placed the order and the staff started preparing it. The bag was taken out of the restaurant. Everything seemed fine till now. But the moment they opened their bag, they couldn’t believe their eyes.


When Stacey got her bag, she felt it was heavier than normal. They hadn’t ordered something extra that would have accounted for this weight. She screamed the moment she opened the bag.

The bag didn’t contain burgers but a big sum of money. Stacey later joked that she could have taken the money and gone out and shopped with that amount of money. The couple did the noble thing and returned the bag to the source.


Due to their actions, the couple has been hailed as heroes. Stacey said that she could have never lived knowing that the money didn’t belong to her.

The couple said that they did not want anyone to get fired because of this mistake. But they are eagerly waiting to find out what turns up in their bag the next time they go to McDonald’s to grab a bite.


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