Categories: +AnimaisFun

10+ Crappy Wildlife Photos That Are So Bad They’re Hilarious

There is a Facebook page that is dedicated to failed attempts at catching an outstanding photo of nature.


More than 270K members of the ‘Crap Wildlife Photography’ group must enjoy looking at low photography standards because… who wouldn’t? These crappy wildlife photos are just so bad they are hilarious!

The page’s description reads: “WELCOME TO CRAP WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY. This group is for all those photos that you took that didn’t turn out quite right, maybe you chopped off that pigeons head, or maybe that lemur ran up the tree and you only caught its tail.”


#1 Beautiful sight of an elephant scratching its balls on a termite mound

Mike Redding

#2 ‘Best crap shot I’ve taken!’

Michelle Schwartz

#3 ‘Car camping in Idaho a few years ago. Bull elk came up on the car in the middle of the night and I had my own Jurassic Park T-rex experience!’

Carly Muench

#4 Just the best place to cocoon.

Carolina Wolf

#5 ‘I accidentally shot this photo while this little bastard was attacking me. Triggerfish are the best.’

Martina Andrés

#6 ‘This guy pecks on our door almost daily and brings offerings of bugs, snakes and lizards.’

Justin Singleton

#7 Red firefly attracted to camera during a 90-second night exposure at 2000 ISO

David Rennie

#8 ‘Lady, my eyes are up here!’

Mark Oertel

#9 ‘I spent thousands of dollars and several days to get a chance to photograph a great white shark. Here it is.”

Kevin Lamb

#10 A whole new world.

Michelle Sobek

#11 Surprise!!

Oliver Hornberger

#12 ‘I tried my best, ok’

Sheldon Grant

#13 ‘Some get majestic hawk shots… I get these.’

Wendy Reyn

#14 ‘Tried to get the perfect picture of a deer in the rain. Instead I get a picture of it bolting, and it looks like it has a bird nest with a single egg instead of an ass.’

Tom Cunningham

#15 Mood today.

Cedrick Louault

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this story with your friends and family!



