Wiley the Dalmation stands out from other Dalmations as he has a heart on his nose.
The one-year-old lives with his 26-year-old owner Lexi Smith in Colorado, Oklahoma. He made his way to his owner’s house on Saint Patrick’s day of last year and since then they have been living together.
Lexi told Bored Panda that Wiley is a “54 pounds of goofy, clumsy, sassy, hungry, cuddly, curious, wild, crazy, silly, happy love” and “no amount of pictures on could ever fully capture all that he is and all that he means to me, he’s my best friend.
Lexi said that she chose Wiley from a litter of 11 after the breeder told her that he loves sleeping, snuggling, and eating.
She said: “He came from a litter of 11, and 8 of them were boys, so I had a tough choice in choosing him. The heart was there, but not fully formed to the point where I believed it would stay since dalmatian spots change so much as they grow. I chose him because the breeder told me that all he did was sleep, snuggle, and eat, so we already had a lot in common.”
The owner says Wiley loves hiking the most.
Since they live in Colorado, they often go on hiking and love to explore new places.Lexi said: “We are so lucky to live in Colorado and have the biggest most beautiful places to play in and explore. He loves hiking or going to one of the many massive dog parks here.”
Apart from hiking, Wiley also loves car rides, enjoys looking out from the front window and loves to snuggle as well.
She added: “Wiley’s truest dalmatian traits are constantly making me laugh.
Usually, it’s a giggle paired with shaking my head, laughing off total frustration from his stubbornness, but that’s part of owning the breed.If you can’t laugh it off and be creative in finding a solution and training the naughty traits out of them, life with a dalmatian would be such a challenge.
”Wiley loves to meet new people, enjoys making friends and needs attention all the time. The owner says Wiley is her best adventure partner.
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