Categories: Animals/Petslife

Wolf Dog Was Sent To Kill Shelter To Die But Found The Life And Love He Deserved Instead


Even if you’re only getting a pet, you have to realize that you’re taking on a big responsibility.


Not as big as adopting a kid, but you’re still putting a life under your care after all.

In the case of one family, they literally had a big responsibility on their hands when they got a wolf dog and found out that they had taken on more than they could chew. Unfortunately, they decided to adopt a more final solution to their predicament which would have been bad news for the dog if not for the kindness of a sanctuary.


It all started when a family got a dog named Yuki from a breeder. But it didn’t take them long to discover that they had literally taken on too big of responsibility when at eight months Yuki was already huge and too much for them to handle.

However, instead of giving him up for adoption, they decided to bring him to a “kill shelter” instead. Luckily, Shy Wolf Sanctuary managed to save the day for Yuki.

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Shy Wolf Sanctuary, based in Naples, Florida, specializes in taking in exotic animals that can’t be adopted.point 206 |


With DNA testing showing Yuki to be 87.point 32 | 5% percent Gray Wolf, 8.point 52 | 6 percent Siberian Husky, and 3.point 79 | 9 percent German Shepherd, this means he’s classed as a wild animal.point 138 | It’s a good thing that then that Shy Wolf Sanctuary exists because this means Yuki can’t be re-homed.point 226 | 1


But the big but adorable dog has made himself at home at Shy Wolf and his favorite carer Brittany Allen has even made him famous on Instagram.

Brittany said: “Wolfdogs are a bit more difficult in my opinion because you don’t exactly know how much wolf behavior vs. dog behavior they will have.


“Yuki isn’t necessarily more social vs. the pure wolves. We have pure wolves who will run away when they see new people because they are generally shy, curious animals. Yuki, however, will run straight to a new person and if he doesn’t like them will become aggressive towards them.


“They are very selective but when they bond it is pretty unique.”


Yuki is also very selective when it comes to letting anyone into his enclosure. Only a few women are allowed in who other workers jokingly refer to as his “harem.”


Jeremy Albrecht, who also cares for Yuki, said: “Today, Yuki is one of the most interesting animals in the sanctuary. He is not an easy guy to get to know, but he does have a small number of volunteers he has bonded with.

“He has gained the nickname ‘Woowoo’ because when he sees any of his chosen volunteers that is the noise he makes, beckoning that volunteer to come spend time with him.”


Sadly, Yuki has been diagnosed with untreatable blood cancer. He will continue to stay at the sanctuary until such time that his carers think that it would be more merciful to put him down.

But whatever the case, there is no doubt that Yuki has found the best place to spend his final days. He was left at a kill shelter to die but has found a second chance at the life and love that he deserves instead.




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