Categories: lifenews

20-Y.O Woman Lives As An ADULT BABY & Her Fiancé Is Totally Okay With It

In 2018, a woman spends part of each day living like a 5-year-old and enjoys living as an adult baby.


Courtesy of Bacroft Media

Max, 20 at the time, enjoy living as an adult baby. She lives with her fiancé Johnny, 31, in Kentucky, USA.


“In the words of Peter Pan, I never want to grow up,” Max said. “My little age is five, which just kind of fits me. I don’t really ever go lower or move higher than that. That’s what I am comfortable with. That’s what I like.”

Courtesy of Bacroft Media

Max says that she has a set of rules to obey. Some of the rules are no tantrums, no backtalk, no staying up past bedtime, or else she gets punished for a timeout if she disobeys them.


Johnny, her fiancé, consistently reads bedtime stories to Max before putting her down for a nap, after she’s tired herself out playing with her dolls and coloring books.

He also rewards Max for good behavior with playtime at the nearby park to play on the swings and slides.


The couple met while Johnny was working in a tattoo shop and Max came in to get some new tattoos.

“When she came in for a tattoo she looked very nerdy and I was a gigantic nerd myself and we actually became best friends,” Johnny said. “And slowly but surely she kind of just moved her way into other aspects of my life.”

Courtesy of Bacroft Media

Max became fascinated with living like an adult baby after she discovered a community on YouTube when she was just 18 years old.


“Listening to people in the community talk about how they felt, that was how I felt,” she said. “So, I decided to try it out and I have just loved it ever since. It’s just me.”

“I understand why some people will look at the way that I am and the way that I live and be confused and think that it’s disgusting or shameful,” Max explained. “But what people fail to see is that this is between two consenting adults and what we do in our home doesn’t really harm anyone else.”



Despite their strange relationship, Max explained that she is an adult who is capable of making sensible decisions.

Courtesy of Bacroft Media

She shared that she works from home and does adult stuff all the time like pay her bills. But she is an adult baby most of the time when she’s with Johnny.


“It’s not something that I can’t control,” Max said. “If we go out to a nice dinner or if we are in a grocery store or out in public, I just don’t randomly shout “Daddy!” because that’s involving other people in something that they didn’t consent to.”


Max and Johnny have a YouTube and Instagram channel called Baby Bear Max where they inform others about their strange lifestyle and how it works.

While Max is uncertain if she’ll always be an adult baby, she says she never wants to get rid of her childlike innocence.



Courtesy of Bacroft Media

“I will always have that childlike sense of wonder about me,” Max said. “I will always be curious. I will always be eager to learn. I will always love Disney movies. I will always love to color.”


“And whether or not in 20 years I will still call myself a little, I know that I am going to have that inside me,” she continued. “Because I don’t want to grow up. I want to be happy and carefree forever and I think that’s true of a lot of people.”