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Woman Banned From Store After Confronting Employee Who Asked To See Her ID

A woman has been banned from a store for three years after confronting an employee and calling him a “d***head” because he asked to see her ID.


Hull-based 29-year-old Rakel Bryan was shopping at a local Asda when an employee asked to see her ID as she was about to buy cigarette papers.

Hull Live

In response, she called him a “d***head,’ something that she claims came out of her mouth as a joke.


“I said ‘aw shut up d***head,’ as a joke. I thought he was laughing with me and then he said, ‘no I’m being serious,’” Rakel recalled in an interview with Hull Live.

“I said ‘how dare you ID me?’ I had a panic attack, I felt like everyone was staring at me.”

Hull Live

After further confronting the shopping assistant, the 29-year-old was escorted out of the store by security personnel.


On the next day, Rakel attempted to return to the store only to be stopped at the entrance and told that she has been given a ban that prohibits her from shopping at the store for three years.

Hull Live

Following the meeting with the store’s manager, the woman found out she was banned on the grounds of being racist.


“He was rude and didn’t listen to what I had to say and said the reason I was banned was because I had been racist,” she added. “I’m not a racist, I had an ex-boyfriend who was black.”

Refusing to give up, Rakel returned to the store with her friend and was told she could shop but only in the presence of a security guard. Despite doing so, however, the staff yelled at her and told her to leave.


“She was told she could come in. She only had a stew pack and some sausages. As I was walking up I could see two staff verbally abusing her. They were right in her face,” Roxanne Marshall, Rakel’s friend, explained.

Hull Live

“I said ‘there is no need for that, it’s bullying.’ They told her ‘you’re never coming in here again.’”


After the incident went viral, Asda responded with the following statement:

“While we would never discuss individual circumstances, we take any concerns of this nature seriously and will not tolerate any form of abuse or discrimination towards our customers or colleagues.”


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