Categories: Healthlife

Woman Celebrates 105th Birthday And Shares Secret To Long Life

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A woman from San Antonio, Texas just celebrated her 105th birthday.


Minnie McRae has a big family and they all love to celebrate.

According to KSAT 12, more than 150 family members attended her incredible party on March 23.

Josie Rodriguez Mendoza wrote on Facebook: “What a wonderful milestone. She is such an inspiration to us all. God bless her always!”

Josie Rodriguez Mendoza

Mendoza also shared videos and photos of the event, and many people wished Minnie a happy birthday. They even noted her youthful appearance!


One commenter wrote: “Wow! She doesn’t look like 105 years old! God Bless her! Happy Birthday Ma’am!”

Another said: “Wow!! She looks amazing for 105 years old. Happy Birthday Minnie!”

Josie Rodriguez Mendoza

Minnie’s nephew, Arturo Ayala, also flew all the way from Germany to be with her for her special day.


When asked if Ayala knew what the secret to her long life was, he told KSAT: “I see her always praying and … always reading.”

Studies show that those who place their faith at the center of who they were able to live long, fulfilling lives.


A Yale University study also showed people who take time to read lived two years more than those who didn’t.

But of course, there were many factors involved. Even so, there is no point in arguing. If reading can help us live longer, we are happy about that!


“She’s a blessing and she’s a miracle,” Ayala said, sharing that his amazing aunt is the one who taught him how to dance.


Happy birthday, Miss McRae!

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