Categories: life

18-Year-Old Claimed A £12.50 Cream Cured Her Painful Eczema In Just Two Days

An 18-year-old dancer, from Hertfordshire, who suffers from painful eczema, has claimed that a miracle cream has improved her skin in just two days.


Erin Grace Cooke, who was the winner of this year’s American National and 3rd in the World Dance Championships, stopped leaving the house and struggled to wear makeup due to her painful eczema.

She tried everything but nothing worked.

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Erin Grace Cooke
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Erin Grace Cooke

She said: “I really suffer with eczema on my arms, knees, eyelids, chin and neck.point 297 |


I find it hard to wear makeup, especially as a dancer when I need to wear for the stage as my skin is literally flaking off underneath.point 109 | point 112 | 1

“For dancing, I have to wear heavy makeup for eight hours or more. Before discovering the skincare range I would dread putting makeup on. It used to really get me down and be an added thing I needed to think about on top of competitions and life in general.”


One night, when her sister asked her to go out for dinner with their friends, Erin decided to find a solution for her painful eczema as she had stopped going out because of her sore skin.

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Erin Grace Cooke

She said: “I felt so sad to be missing out – as I had done on previous occasions – because my skin was so sore.point 207 |


Unless you suffer from sore skin, it is difficult to communicate the impact it can have on something as simple as going out for dinner.point 111 | point 114 | 1

“My skin felt so tight and I just knew I wouldn’t enjoy it when I was out and the painful skin wouldn’t be worth it when I got home, particularly on my face.”


Finally, Erin found a solution for her painful eczema while searching for creams online. She came across a natural balm from the Australian brand, MooGoo, costing £12.50.

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Erin Grace Cooke
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Erin Grace Cooke

In just two days, Erin could see the results.point 151 | She said: “It is hands down the best cream I have ever used, and I have tried everything I can find.point 233 |


I used to need to apply cream constantly throughout the day.point 50 | With MooGoo, I apply morning and evening.point 85 | I can wear makeup and it stays on, which is a game-changer for me.point 138 | point 141 | 1

Erin is now using the £12.50 cream and she is thankful she found the cream which has changed her life.




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