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Woman Grabbed The Karaoke Demo Mic And Started Belting Out With Her Amazing Voice


Watch the video to listen to her amazing voice.


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Video credit: Rumble

Piped in music is a staple in most stores and many customers unconsciously expect some sort of tune to be playing whenever they’re inside. Perhaps it helps relieve the boredom of shopping or maybe the fact that it tends to drown out various store sounds makes the shopping experience more enjoyable. Whatever the reason, music is now a must in stores.


Of course, one other practice that has become a staple in any electronics shop or section is the karaoke demo station where karaoke music is played from and the staff on duty is required to sing along. That’s a hit or miss, though, because people may be encouraged or pushed away from buying depending on how well the staff member sings.


But because these demo stations are open to the public, some customers are actually brave enough to pick up the mic and start trying out the unit for themselves. Some of these are legitimately gauging whether or not the merchandise is worth buying while others just want a place to sing without people jumping to take the mic away from them.


One Sam’s Club store in Ulster, New York recently had one customer pick up a demo mic but everyone there was treated to something wonderful because it was not just any customer who picked it up because the lady was also a singer and performer.


People were amazed when Christina Kokonis-Viggers, who also goes by Stina Marie, started belting out “Maybe This Time” from the 1972 musical Cabaret. Her friend Amanda Lasher was with her and filmed the whole thing, including the thunderous applause from the staff when Christina was done.


The Staten Island singer didn’t know what got over her because she said it was totally out of character because she usually reserves her singing for the stage. Be that as it may, it was a good thing for her because the video went viral with millions having watched it.


Christina quickly got the attention from news sites and radio stations in an exposure that can only be good for her career. The 32-year-old admits that for all her experience performing in front of a lot of people, the amount of attention she has been receiving is a bit overwhelming.


However, it’s all good because she was able to put a smile not on for the surprised shoppers and staff who witnessed her performance live but also to other people who appreciated her talent.



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