Categories: life

Picture of A Woman Drinking A Pink G&T Went Viral and Twitter Adores Her

Getting drunk on the bar is no big deal but keeping your class up is a major deal.


We all can get drunk and be crazy enough but this woman kept her class up and soon she became the crush of Twitter.


Opening up a tinned drink is not an easy drink to deal with but this woman did it with all the class and poise. And it is not just us but the entire Twitter went gaga on her.


She poured the drink in her glass with all the class and style and taught the world how to be in the right style.


Mark Locke, the director of communications, belonging to Scotland was the one to capture the moment. He captured the woman having her drink pink G&T in all the style and class.


He then uploaded the picture on his Twitter, appreciating the woman and her classy act and that is when the picture went viral.


In his post, he wrote how he appreciates the lady drinking her gin and tonic straight from the glass.

The picture got a lot of attention and soon went viral. It received 50,000 plus likes and about 13,000 retweets.


No one knows who the woman in the picture was but she definitely made a lot of people crazy about her.


She wore a black turtle neck that was rolled up and had a pair of jeans up. Her face was not entirely visible because she had her glasses on.


She came out as a mystery woman and we doubt if we could ever know her. Soon enough people started commenting on the picture and labeled her as the queen.


Well she definitely was the queen with her poise and class kept intact.

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