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A Woman Who Dumped Newborn Puppies In The Trash Was Sentenced To One Year In Prison

untitled 1 64.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - A Woman Who Dumped Newborn Puppies In The Trash Was Sentenced To One Year In Prison

Animal care is very important if you don’t like pets, it’s okay.


But, please don’t treat them badly. They need love, care, and a little attention. We see many examples of animal love, people doing many things for animals through shelters or any other organizations. But, still, there are some people who don’t hesitate while crossing all the lines of humanity.


A 54-year-old woman, whose name is Deborah Sue Culwell, was caught on a security camera dumping seven 3-day-old puppies into a trash can in Coachella, California, in April. She has now pleaded guilty to all counts of animal cruelty.


A judge sentenced Culwell to 365 days in county jail, 90 of which will be under a work release, as well as seven years of formal probation upon her release.

During the probational period, she will not be allowed owning any animals, the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office told BuzzFeed News.

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Police identified her after she was captured in-camera, the woman came in white Jeep up to a dumpster behind an auto parts store and quickly throws a plastic bag of puppies into it. Culwell was arrested earlier this year.


A man found them soon after the woman dumped them, and brought them into the store, where an employee called animal services.

One of the seven puppies died several days later, Riverside County Animal Services told BuzzFeed News in late April.

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Culwell was arrested at her home, and animal control then discovered that there were more dozens of dogs who were not getting proper care in her house, which officers described as “in a state of despair.”


They impounded 38 dogs who had been living in her residence.

After she was transported to a jail in Indio, California, she was charged with seven felony counts of animal cruelty and seven misdemeanor charges of animal abandonment.

Culwell’s attorney, Joseph Cavanaugh, told BuzzFeed News he has no comment at this time.