Categories: life

Woman Falls Backwards From Underground Train: Is She Safe Now?

Today’s news sheds light on how a woman falls backward from the underground train.


And much to the knowledge, it wasn’t at all accidentally. Since you can find its video, it is quite evident that the woman was trying to hang off the train bar.

Watch the video:
[rumble video_id=v5tftx domain_id=u7nb2]

While she was hanging off the train bar, she couldn’t manage her balance, hence she fell backward.


The entrance wasn’t closed, so this made her fall out of that carriage and right on the platform. Fortunately, she is safe, at least that’s what you can get from her face on the video where she is seen laughing after falling on the platform.


Embla Rut, as the name suggests, is22 years old. At the time when this incident occurred, she was visiting Copenhagen from native Iceland.


She was in this metro after one night out which was apparently on the 8th of November. And she is the one recording the incident.


While inside the metro, Embla’s best friend Katla, Gummi (Embla’s boyfriend), and she herself decided to get into a friendly game. They decided to play ‘who can hang more’ on the compartment’s pole.


The video has it that the pair had been dangling their legs and suddenly Katlafell down and lost her balance which resulted in falling outside the compartment.


Emblathen runs to this door only to see Katla on the platform where she was sitting and laughing. The doors were closed right when Katla fell down.


While Katla didn’t meet with any severe accident, Embla started figuring out what should she do next.


And while figuring out, she was in a panic. She hits her head off the pole on this compartment that resulted in a massive bump. Emblahas confirmed that she was in shock at that time.


But luckily, she found Katla at next station, luckily!


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[rumble video_id=v59k7f domain_id=u7nb2]

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