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A Woman Who Can’t Walk Joined Hands With A Man Who Can’t See For Hiking Adventures

A woman who can’t walk has teamed up with a man who can’t see – and the two of them have now become the best buddies ever.


Trevor Hahn and Melanie Knecht, who both live in Fort Collins, Colorado, are showing the world the true meaning of teamwork, according to Good Morning America.

Ever since they met at an adaptive exercise class, the duo joined hands to explore Colorado mountains and trails.


Trevor lost his vision due to glaucoma five years ago while Melanie is confined to a wheelchair as she was born with Spina bifida, the outlet reported.

The pair started hiking with each other after learning that both of them love outdoor excursions.

Trevor & Melanie/Instagram

During their trips, Melanie gives verbal directions to guide Trevor along the trails as he carefully carries her in a secure harness on his back.


Speaking to GMA, Melanie said: “It just seemed like common sense. He’s the legs, I’m the eyes — boom! Together, we’re the dream team.”

“This way, we both have purpose and this huge responsibility,” Trevor told 5280 Magazine.


The hiking buddies document their outdoor adventures on their Instagram page @hiking_with_sight, where they define their treks as “a journey of purpose between two friends, one who cannot see and one who cannot walk.”

Trevor & Melanie/Instagram

After Trevor lost his vision, he didn’t give up on his love for hiking and started using adaptive mechanisms to hike such as following a bell sound.


“But it didn’t really give me a purpose. Like, I was just following this bell,” he told KDVR. “It would be really cool if I could have a purpose on the trail.”

After he started trekking with Melanie, he feels as if he’s got his purpose.


“It made me so happy to help someone experience what I’ve been able to experience my whole life,” he said to GMA.

“Just getting on top of a mountain, a car can’t get to it, you just feel that sense of accomplishment. The best part is being able to make her smile. That gives me purpose.”

Trevor & Melanie/Instagram

Melanie is happy beyond words to be able to hike without sitting on a wheelchair.

“I’ve been in a wheelchair my whole life, and it’s an amazing feeling to leave it literally miles behind on the trail,” she said. “I even couldn’t get in it if I wanted to, and that’s a great feeling.”


According to GMA, the next big excursion for the pair is to traverse a fourteener, a 14,000-foot high mountain.

Speaking of their biggest climb which they will be doing next month, Melanie told 5280: “There’s definitely a learning curve.


“I’m trying to warn him about obstacles far in advance, but also tell him if he’s about to trip on a rock or root in that moment. I have to interrupt myself to give directions.”

Trevor & Melanie/Instagram

“It takes a lot of teamwork,” Trevor added. “If I fall, she falls.”


Melanie has also got some advice for other disabled people. “Ask questions of people with disabilities, to see what they like and what they want to do,” she said.

“Don’t not include them because you think they won’t be able to do something.”