Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Woman Jumped Out Of A Moving Van In Panic As She Saw A Spider On Her Lap

When scientists coin a term to define the fear of a certain animal, then you know they mean serious business, no matter how small the animal may be.


Arachnophobia is the term that defines the fear of spiders. Some species are known for their fatal poison, but most are harmless.

It is easy to classify people, depending on their reaction to the creepy crawlies. Some prefer to step on these animals, while others prefer to save them.


People, falling in the third category discard their power of logical thinking and flee from the area at the slightest hint of spider-presence.


One such woman managed to make it to the news headlines, after being chased out of her car by a small spider. Sound hilarious right?! At least it wasn’t for the woman.

The event took place in Kingston. It was like any other day, and the lady was all set to enjoy a kayaking one of the rivers. The kayak was securely placed at the back of her Kia van.


She had to position the van on the boat ramp before unfastening the kayak. She was backing the vehicle when she suddenly noticed that a small spider was resting on her lap.


This triggered a series of hilarious events, which ultimately dragged in the car insurance company. Yes!

She was not the biggest fans of the spiders and loses her calm after when she spots one. As soon as her brain registered the presence of the spider, she lost her senses and ran out of the moving automobile.


Her fear was so intense that she didn’t even turn off the car engine. As she was running for her life, the car continued to roll down the boat ramp, and finally took a plunge into the river.


She stood on the banks while this was unfolding. The vehicle was pulled down by the current of the river, and soon it was fully submerged. Local people made some attempts to locate the car but failed.


Finally, she turned towards the car insurance company for some solace. When she was done telling her tale, the insurance agents were at a loss of words.


As the car was covered, the insurance company agreed to pay divers to search the downstream areas well. If the divers spot the vehicle, then the company will arrange to tow the car out of its watery grave.


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