Categories: Familylife

Woman Left Generous Tip At Restaurant, Found Money Missing From Her Bank Account The Next Day

Whitney Anderson went out on a family dinner with her husband and three children at Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant.


The bill came out to be $45.50 and she paid $10 as a tip to their server. Overall, the night was good.

Whitney Anderson

But Whitney got the shock of her life when she saw her bank details the next day.


The server thought that she deserved more than $10 as a tip, so she thought it would be good to steal the money.

When Whitney checked her bank account details the next day she then she saw that instead of $55.50 she had paid $65.50 to the server. Apparently, more than 20% as a tip wasn’t enough.


Without wasting time, Whitney decided to go to the restaurant and have the issue addressed. However, the manager of the restaurant did not pay much heed to what Whitney had to say. He refused to take the issue to the server who had served Whitney the previous night and said that she would get her $10 back in ten business days.


When Whitney demanded to see the receipt, she was handed over a fake customer copy instead of her merchant receipt. Again, the server deceived her by filling the customer copy herself and forging a signature that clearly does not match Whitney’s original signature.

Whitney Anderson

Whitney was now seeing red and why wouldn’t she, only God knows how many times she would have done the same thing to others.


When the local news station heard about what happened with Whitney, they decided to broadcast it. Then all of a sudden, the restaurant seemed very much concerned. The management of the restaurant refunded Whitney the entire amount and even apologized.


While Whitney was thankful that she got her money back, at the same time, she realized that everyone should know about this. She posted the entire incidence on Facebook.

She later found out that the server was actually a fraud. She had been fired many times before for the same offense.


We can take steps to make sure that we do not victim to such frauds. Precautions are simple, actually. Whenever you go out either fill your customer copy or take the customer copy with you so that the server cannot fill it. Check your bank account details regularly.


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