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Woman Lost 13Kg In 100 Days By Cutting Four Things From Her Diet

Check out the video to learn more about her story.


Video credit: Marga Banaga

Weight gaining has become the most serious and common issue now, most of the people are fighting with this problem. Losing weight is not easy, it needs lots of hard work and concentration to achieve your goal.

When we want to lose our weight the biggest question we face is HOW? A combination of diet and exercise is the healthiest and most reliable way to lose weight.


Like so many people, Marga Banaga made the new year’s resolution to lose weight. But unlike so many, Banaga actually stuck to her guns and made a huge transformation.


The woman with possibly the best name in the universe posted an impressive before and after photo collage on Instagram with the caption “I did it!”

“I survived 100 days of eating clean and trying to work out every day! Never really had a cheat day.” Over the course of the 100 days, she lost 13kg.


Marga Banaga, 25, managed to lose 13 kilos in 100 days, mainly from cutting out four foods from her diet.

The Manila local removed alcohol, all meat except seafood, cheese and lollies from her day-to-day intake.


‘You know that feeling when you’ve not had enough confidence in yourself? That hit me a lot harder recently,’ she said in a YouTube video documenting the experience.

Last year was the first time she tried to do this 100 day challenge but was lacking the motivation she has now.  


‘I said in my mind, January 15 is the day I change my life, it will be the day I start living a healthy lifestyle, working out, being more positive and meditating,’ Marga said.

Marga realized that intermittent fasting didn’t work for her, so she made the decision to listen to her body, only eat when hungry and not eat past 6 pm.


She also ensured she found time to work out every single day and planned all of her meals, cooking up enough food to last her the week.


Her diet consisted of overnight oats, grains, vegetables, fish and fruit.

If she found herself eating out she would always opt for a salad with her choice of protein, be it seafood or a form of tofu.

Although Marga makes it look easy, there were days that proved really difficult for her.


On day 67 she admitted that she hadn’t been working out or eating for a couple of days as she tried not to cry on camera.

‘My brother passed away suddenly three days ago and I haven’t been in the mood to do anything,’ she revealed.


‘I wasn’t planning on finishing this 100-day thing but I’m sure he would want me to do it and he would want me to keep going, so I will.


‘For the next couple of days I don’t think I’ll be able to give it my 100 percent but I will try.’

With 22 days to go, she had lost 10 kilos and was determined to push herself to the end.

By the end, she had managed to lose an extra three kilos and although the challenge is over, Marga is still dedicated to her health and fitness.


‘I did it!!!! I survived 100 days of eating clean and trying to work out every day,’ she wrote in an Instagram post of her final body transformation.


‘I never really had a cheat day (but would find healthier alternatives to something if I was craving it and would still stay in my allotted calorie intake).

‘100 days of no alcohol and no meat. 100 days of finding time to work out almost every day. 100 days of not giving in to food temptations.’


She now wants to find the next challenge and is contemplating counting her macros to ensure she is getting enough nutrients and is also considering weight lifting.


‘If I’m to be honest this wasn’t an easy journey, there were many times I wanted to give up but I was really unhappy with the way I looked and more so the way I felt – I really knew I had to make a change,’ she said at the end of her video.


‘If you haven’t worked out today, I hope this inspires you to do so, and if you haven’t started, I hope this inspires you to start.

‘You can do it, you just have to change your mindset and make sure you give yourself the time. You have to be patient because it will take a while if you want instant results, those results usually don’t last.




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