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This Woman Gets Paid $37 An Hour To Smoke Weed And ‘Speak About Its Benefits’

featured image 24.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - This Woman Gets Paid $37 An Hour To Smoke Weed And 'Speak About Its Benefits'

Watch the video to find out more about this woman’s job.


Video credit: Daily Mail

If you think your dream job doesn’t exist, you might be wrong because we’re about to introduce a woman who makes $37 an hour by smoking weed.

Kayla Gerber was selected by Toronto-based cannabis brand AHLOT (A Higher Level of Thinking) from a pool of almost 25,000 applicants.


The 27-year-old works as an expert on the ‘Cannabis Curation Committee’.

She uses cannabis acquired from different strains of plants to rate them on the basis of taste, smell, and physical qualities.

The woman also checks the psychological and biological effects of the drug – such as changes in energy, appetite, sociability, and creativity.


Kayla is among the eight lucky persons who were chosen after a 7-month-long selection process by AHLOT for the highly coveted role of testing the company’s products.

‘When I found out I’d got the job I lost my mind, I got up and started dancing, my mind was totally blown, it was so surreal,’ Kayla told Daily Mail.


She is also a dance teacher as well as a ‘patient educator’ for an Ontario-based medicinal cannabis clinic.


The company first selected the top 20 cut after several interviews and a video submission. She was finally offered the job on April 1.

Kayla will be working for 2o hours every month to evaluate the properties of cannabis as well as the ‘consumption accessories’ such as pipes, bongs, and vaporizers.


‘It’s was a long process but I am really in the dream job of a lifetime, I’m working alongside seven other people who are outstanding, diverse and well educated in the field,’ Kayla said.

The part-time contract will pay her around $750USD per month for the next year.


‘My friends and family said ”this is definitely the job for you,” they’re very proud of me, they think it’s a great fit,’ the woman said.

‘When I was ten I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is incredibly painful,’ she added.


‘I was living in misery from pain, taking about twelve medications every day, but sometimes I could hardly move, so I had to look for alternatives.’

It was when she discovered how her pain would get reduced significantly by weed and CBD oil.


Kayla’s usage of cannabis doesn’t affect the busy and active life she spends.

‘I’m the opposite of the stigmatized ”stoner” stereotype, someone sitting on the couch munching out,’ she said. ‘I’m a huge brainiac, a huge nerd, and I’m really active with fitness, theater and dance.’


She started working as a patient educator after Canada legalized recreational marijuana last autumn.

‘Working as a patient educator for those seeking medical marijuana I hear the best stories,’ she said.

‘The other day a woman with severe anxiety told me that she had been able to leave the house and drive a car for the first time in a year since using CBD oil.’


But Kayla is also aware of the dangers of cannabis.

She said: ‘Anyone who is thinking of trying cannabis for the first time, either for recreational use or medicinal purposes, should get educated first.

‘It’s also so important to be very careful with dosing, we always go for micro doses, ”low and slow” is the mantra.’


EVP and Chief Creative Officer at AHLOT, Martin Strazovec, said Kayla’s job is like that of wine tasting.

‘The quantities we supply are very low and we’ve created guidelines around that, the evaluation of a strain is like the evaluation of a wine, wine tasters spit after every taste, because they don’t want to get progressively drunker, the aim is to stay sharp enough to analyze each strain effectively,’ he said.


‘It’s quite scientific, each member of the curation team was given a microscope, to evaluate the minute properties of each sample,’ he continued.

‘We’re proud to help Canada on the world stage, to show that legalization can happen responsibly.’


‘It’s really beautiful to see the progression here in Canada,’ Kayla added.

‘I am a black woman, who would typically be victimized for using cannabis, now I’m sitting on the curation committee and speaking publicly about the benefits.’




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