Categories: +Animaislife

Woman And Her Partner Fed Mother Dog With Sausages Laced With Anti-Freeze

28-year-old Leila Horvarth and 29-year-old Norbert Farkas admitted to feeding their American bulldog with sausages laced with anti-freeze before hitting the animal with a metal bar.


They were found guilty of inflicting violence on Luna, who had just given birth to 12 puppies.

The court heard that the mother dog passed away under horrific circumstances. Farkas struck Luna with a metal weight lifting bar ‘to protect Horvarth.’


Horvarth made a research on how to kill a dog. She lured the pooch into their garden and fed her with sausages laced with poison.


Wirral Magistrates’ Court was told that Horvarth thought Luna would die right away. She then feared neighbors would contact police when her dog clung onto life over a few days.


Horvarth confessed to using a kitchen knife and stabbing the poor animal as she lay on the ground. Luna was then wrapped in bags and dumped in an alleyway behind her house in Birkenhead.

Environmental health officers contacted RSPCA inspector Anthony Joynes to check the scene in an alleyway where he found the dog covered in maggots.


During that time, Farkas initially said the dog was not his. He then admitted Luna was his pet but claimed his girlfriend had attacked him.

One of the puppies

Farkas said he had a panic attack and hit the dog with a metal weight lifting bar to protect his Horvarth.  Horvarth told the court that she thought Luna would die fast after being poisoned.


But vets report found that if Luna had attacked Farkas in the way he described, he would’ve suffered serious injuries.

District Judge Nicholas Sanders told the couple: “You struck the dog with a metal bar, and then you poisoned it with anti-freeze before stabbing it. It is hard to imagine a more cruel way of dealing with an animal.”


He sentenced them to 10 weeks in prison and banned them from keeping animals.

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