Categories: life

Woman Plays The Violin to African Children For The First Time

African kids listen to the violin for the first time in their life and their faces get filled with happiness!


Here is the adorable video:

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Music to us is just a click away.

We may not have an instrument at home but we can just click on our smartphones and hear the music of any instrument we want.

But not everyone in the world is as fortunate as us who have the capacity to afford a phone and internet.


When a volunteer reached in a village in Africa to play the violin for the kids, she was sure it will make them the happiest.


She had traveled a very long way just to give those little kids a little treat of music and when she asked those kids then she came to know that none of them had ever seen or listened to a violin ever before in their life.


Paige Park had been doing volunteer work since she was just 15 years old.


She used to go to the villages in Africa and play the Gospel of Christ and kids used to love her and her music. They used to dance on the tunes and celebrated the joy around.


In present, Park is 21 years old and she is still doing her volunteer work.


She recently went to a village where the kids had never seen or heard a violin before. She called them all and asked them to line up in rows as she stood in front of them.


The curious kids stayed still to find out what was going to happen and that is when it started.


She started playing the violin and the melody filled the kids with joy.

They jumped, danced and had all the fun of a lifetime.

The sheer joy was dripping out of their faces as music has the power to make everything already with the power of joy.

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