Categories: life

Woman Found Out She Was Pregnant 30 Minutes Before Giving Birth To ‘Miracle Baby’

Ally Opfer never had any idea she could be pregnant until the day she gave birth to her baby boy.


On December 21, 2016, she woke up feeling completely normal. The day just went on when she began to feel light cramping.

But Ally decided to finish her tasks that day, including five hours of cheerleading coaching. The next day, she informed her mother she was experiencing horrible cramping all night and couldn’t sleep.


She tried to brush it off and took some pain meds. She even helped her father move a couch from the basement to the next floor.


To make sure she was not feeling something more than cramps, she took a pregnancy test but it showed negative.

She then went to her room to get some rest but the pain became unbearable her parents rushed her to the hospital.


The ride to the hospital was torture. She screamed the entire way in her father’s car. At the ER, she sat in the corner of the waiting room screaming while waiting.

Ally’s blood pressure spiked and they gave her morphine for the pain. She insisted she wasn’t pregnant. Her doctors did a blood test that revealed her white blood cell count was so high they thought maybe she had kidney stones.


The doctor felt a hard lump on the side of her stomach and thought she would need immediate surgery to remove the kidney stone. They took her back for an ultrasound to check and the technician saw she was pregnant.


Ally was back in her room when a doctor came in along with other ten people. The doctor said: “Well, it looks like you’re about 38 weeks pregnant and 10 centimeters dilated. You are in full-blown labor and we need to get you upstairs to labor and delivery now!!!”


Ally was completely shocked but realized she had no choice. After almost two days of being in labor, her baby was born and she named him Oliver David Opfer.


Little Oliver is now a healthy 2-year-old boy.

So how is it possible to be pregnant but not notice any symptoms? The most common reason for this is human chorionic gonadotropin. A high amount of his hormone released by the fetus can result in minimal weight gain for the mother and negatives on tests.


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