Categories: Healthlife

Woman Took Illegal Cannabis Oil To Cure Her Terminal Diseases

A 52-year-old mother Joy Smith was diagnosed with incurable stomach and bowel cancer in August 2016 and Doctors told that she has only six weeks to live.


She started to take cannabis oil that contained THC, which is illegal in the UK. She bought it online.

After two years she found that she is cancer free and would no longer have to take chemotherapy.


She said: ”I am going to party for the rest of my life. I have got to be the only person in the world who have to survive this.”

”I keep pinching myself to see if this is real. I am being monitored every three months, but other than that I have no more treatment planned.”


Ms. Smith told that she would have a less than a month to live unless she started chemotherapy to take more time to live. She started having treatment every two weeks for three days but had to have the line that delivered her chemotherapy taken out after she developed sepsis.


Ms. Smith had no idea that her friends had been researching an alternative cancer cure online until she was handed a cannabis-based tablet. She said that she didn’t want to take it at first because she ‘didn’t know what it was’ but she started to have it in the hope of a cure.


The effects of THC – the compound that causes the ‘high’ – left her feeling ‘drunk’, she claimed as she struggled to speak and ‘words just slurred out’. Ms. Smith started to search the Internet about Cannabis oil and she found that it had worked for other sufferers – even though scientists are unsure.


She was expecting that her cancer would completely disappear with continued cannabis oil use. After taking regular doses of cannabis oil containing THC, her inoperable tumors almost completely disappeared.


Ms. Smith told: ”I am just so happy. This is all down to the cannabis oil. I shouldn’t be here, but I am.”

‘My daughter is in Australia at the minute and when I told her she thought I was lying.”

”Everyone around me has been amazing, I have an army behind me and they’re all so happy.”


Cannabis oil is not available in the UK as it is illegal there but can be found online. MS. Smith is writing the book about her journey and is determined to get it legalized.


She said: ”I have got to get it legalized. I am so happy, happier than I have ever been. I just keep sharing the petition and hope it will make a difference.

‘I believe my reason for being here is to help everyone else. Unless you have been faced with death you don’t know.”