Categories: Familylife

Woman Who Lost Over 100 Pounds Gets Compared To Meghan Markle After Her Transformation

©Tansy Arnett

A woman who lost over one hundred pounds after suffering from back pain is now being compared to Meghan Markle.


As 29-year-old Tansy Arnett from Colchester, England, revealed, she’s getting compared to the Duchess of Sussex following her life-changing transformation.

©Tansy Arnett

Throughout the years, Tansy struggled to lose weight through unhealthy diets that would always result in her starving her body before gaining all of the weight back.


“At my biggest I didn’t like undressing in front of my partner and I hated looking in the mirror – I didn’t recognize the person looking back at me and felt like I was losing myself,” she admitted.

©Tansy Arnett

“I was conscious of my weight all the time, every minute of every day. The fear of seeing someone who I hadn’t seen in a while was terrifying as I would just worry about them noticing how much weight I’d put on, so I’d make a joke about it before they could say anything.”


After she started suffering from back and joint pain and found it difficult to care for her child, however, the young woman decided to turn her life around by joining the Highwoods Colchester Slimming World, a support group for people who don’t want to go through their weight loss journey alone.

©Tansy Arnett

“The group is like a reset button. I always come away buzzing and feeling motivated from other members’ tips or ideas, and when someone is in a hard place we all chip in to help them out – by talking things though you can really begin to work out what motivates you and what your stoppers are,” the 29-year-old said.

©Slimming World – Paul Buller

“Everyone there knows what it’s like to struggle with your weight and how it affects your self-esteem, it’s that kindness and understanding that’s helped me to understand myself better as a slimmer and boosted my self-belief.”

©Slimming World – Paul Buller

Less than two years after ditching sugar and takeaways, the mother looks unrecognizable whereas she often gets mistaken for Meghan Markle.


“People ask if I feel like a new woman but I don’t, I feel like the person I always was on the inside. I used to feel trapped in my body but now I’m set free,” she added.

©Tansy Arnett

“I never used to know what to wear, but now I love that I can showcase my personality through my clothes and don’t have to worry about wearing bright colors that attract attention – in fact, I like that! Some people have even said I look a bit like Meghan Markle, which is a huge compliment!”


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