Categories: life

One Man Cannot Stand This Elderly Woman Screaming At A Kid For Selling Candy Bars Anymore. So He Does THIS!

We’ve all been there — you’re just trying to do your job or make it by but you’re being yelled at by rude people who don’t seem to give up at all.


Imagine if it happened to you as a child just trying to make it a few bucks selling candy.

Sadly that’s what happened to a young boy who was sitting outside of a Target with a small stand simply selling candy bars for a dollar. He wasn’t harassing customers and he was off to the side of the entrances to the store. An elderly woman was approaching the boy, as if to buy candy from him.


That’s when Andy Lizarraga happened to be exiting the store. The moment she saw what was happening, she was quick to begin recording on her phone. You won’t believe what she captured!

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The elderly woman had walked up to the boy and begins yelling at him.


“Where is your license?”, she shouts. “Have you asked permissions to be here?”

The boy, clearly startled by the woman’s sudden outburst, begins to explain that he was only trying to make some money. The poor boy is clearly shaken by this elderly woman and her screaming. The boy had done nothing wrong, but this elderly woman seems to have a serious problem with him.


The woman goes on to claim that the cops are coming and that the poor boy will be thrown in prison! The boy, unable to handle the woman screaming at him anymore, begins to break down and cry. Still, the woman continued to yell and scream at the child.


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That’s when our hero enters the story, Jay Lopez. He has been watching this event unfold and he’s had just about enough of it. He immediately walks up and tells the boy and the elderly woman that he is going to buy all of the candy. Our hero goes even further and says he’s going to give away all of the candy to everyone watching.

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Our hero, Jay Lopez.point 117 | Image via CBS Los Angeles.point 257 |

The woman still isn’t pleased as she begins to yell at him, going as far as to call him ignorant! This woman simply won’t let up.point 118 | She isn’t going to leave this poor kid alone until he has left the property.point 186 | As far as we can tell she’s not an employee of Target either! This woman apparently has a big problem with a little boy selling candy trying to make some hobby money.point 331 | 1


This doesn’t deter our hero from buying all $80 worth of candy and giving it out to the crowd that has gathered.

Our hero, Jay Lopez, had a few words to share with CBSLA:

“Mind your own business. Take care of yourself and your family and everything will come together for you.”


What do you think? Is she in the right here? Was this poor boy doing anything wrong? Do you think this elderly woman was being racist? Be sure to tell us what you think!

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