We live in a world where men enjoy most of the privileges and enjoy everything moreover women.
But it looks like the new upgrade Monopoly is going to give women a higher chance at least in the game to enjoy life and money-making for once.
Well, Ms. Monopoly, the niece of Monopoly has brought out this upgrade in the game that says let the women enjoy the advantages over men for once.
The game that favors women more has been made in honor of the women entrepreneurs and inventors for their incredible achievements and their deserved position in the world.
The game is quite the same as it was earlier, but on the other hand, when the women will cross Go they will win $240 rather than just winning $200 which by the way is kept same for the men. Yes, men will only receive $200 on crossing the Go.
Yes, women will win more but the game says if the men play their cards perfect they will more than the women in their game.
But hey, this is not the only thing that has changed. Instead of buying business and properties, the gamers will now only buy things that were invented by women.
This means if there were no women these things would have been in our world like wi-fi, stem cells isolation, Chocó chip cookies, and a few more things.
But this does not mean you cannot make money out of it. You can buy the inventions and you can make them your headquarters where you charge money from the visitors. Yes, you can still fleece your family and friends.
Well, it looks like the iconic games have changed its ways for good and it will be even more fun now then it was ever before.
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