Categories: Healthlife

Women Who Go Out With Their Friends At Least Twice A Week Are Healthier Than Those Who Don’t


Remember all the times you used to party and hang out with your friends every night? Then suddenly you get married and have a family and suddenly, you barely have time to say “hi” to them on Facebook.


Even if you somehow promise yourself to hang out with them, excuses like, “I’m tired today, I have things to do, nothing bad will happen if we shift our meeting,” tend to escape our mouths. But science says that it’s actually bad for you to skip hanging out with friends.

Research from the University of Oxford shows that women’s well-being benefits when they meet with four best friends twice a week and “do things” such as gossip and grouch about their rivals.


The study also claims that women tend to recover from illnesses faster and become more generous as a result of more social interaction. But that’s not all.

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nobread / Instagram

One of the biggest benefits of social ties is that it helps women manage stress.point 318 |


A University of California study suggests that women react to stress with a “tend-and-befriend” pattern.point 225 |


This helps reduce feelings of vulnerability while gaining the support they need.point 69 | After all, who do you tend to call when the pressure at work is mounting or after a fight with your significant other?point 165 | 1

“Together time” also has a direct impact on one’s health, reducing the risk of disease, lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol. Friends can go a long way towards better health than medicine alone.


Perhaps this is why studies have shown that people without friends increase their risk of death by over 6 months. And people with the most friends over 9 years cut their risk of death by roughly 60 percent.

Additionally, the famous Nurses’ Health Study found that the number of friends that women have has an effect on the development of physical impairment in later ages. This means that members of a “girls’ squad” are more likely to lead a joyful life. On the other hand, researchers discovered that the lack of friends in a woman’s life negatively impacts her health, such as being overweight or being a smoker.

The Bold Type / The District

That being said, everyone is different and not every woman wants a posse of girls around her.


But it’s not just women who benefit because men also benefit the same way that women do by having more friends around. The University of Oxford confirmed that men would also do well to have at least two “guys’ nights” per week.


Of course, hanging out with your friends doesn’t need to mean drinking at the bar several times a week. That would be unhealthy as well. But having the company of friends is one definite path to better health.


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